HOD’s Message

Prof. Surya Prakash Singh

Professor & Head of Department
Email: hoddms@admin.iitd.ac.in
Home Page: https://sites.google.com/site/sprsinghphd/
Phone: 26591171 (HOD), 91-11-26596352


Welcome to Department of Management Studies (DMS) IIT Delhi!

DMS has been recognized for its excellence in management education. For last several years, it has been rated amongst the Top Business Schools of the country. Our MBA programme prepares students to become management leaders in future as academic curriculum is combined with rigourous research inputs by our outstanding faculty. Businesses nowadays are facing more and more competition in the data driven environment. Our curriculum with heavy emphasis on data analytics, offers a perfect programme with industry relevant curriculum.

As we are a part of IIT system, it adds to our strengths. Our students get unique opportunity to learn in technological and multidisciplinary environment. The department currently runs a full time MBA programme, an Executive MBA Programme for working professionals and a rigourous PhD programme offering research opportunities in various areas of management. DMS boasts of more than 50 startups in the country aligning with the Startup India Initiative by the Government of India. DMS has generated tremendous momentum, through its initiative ‘NIVAH’, for advancement of sustainable development. As part of this initiative, students work with NGOs to address various socio-economic and environmental challenges in the country.

Since its inception in 1997, the contributions of DMS through teaching, research, consultancy and other activities set us apart.

We continue on this journey with our commitment to excellence.