Prof. Surya Prakash Singh
Professor & Head
(Ph.D., IIT/K; PDF, NUS-MIT Alliance)
Prof. Surya Prakash Singh is a Dhananjaya Chair Professor in the Department of Management Studies (DMS), Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), India. He is also serving as chairperson, Operations & Supply Chain group at DMS, IIT Delhi. He holds a Ph.D. from IIT Kanpur. He is also a postdoctoral fellow from NUS Singapore-MIT USA alliance. He has been also a visiting fellow at Newcastle Business School, Newcastle University, UK; and visiting professor at Alborg University, Denmark and IMT Atlantique, Nantes, France. In addition to this, he was also associated in various capacities at some of the B-Schools in the country such as IIM Amritsar, IIM Bodgaya, IIM Kashipur, IIM Ranchi, IIM Rohtak, IIM Raipur, MDI Gurgaon, SNU Gr. Noida, SCMHRD Pune, XLRI, and XIM Bhubaneswar.
His research interest includes broadly in the area of Operation & Supply Chain Management, Big Data applications in Operations, Industry 4.0, Block Chain Technology, and developing heuristics and metaheuristics approaches. His work has been published in leading international journals of repute. More than 160 research papers have been published at various international journals and conference proceedings. He has also Guest Edited special issues for Annals of Operations Research; Production Planning & Control; Resources, Conservation & Recycling; Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management; Management of Environmental Quality; Sustainability; and International Journal of Logistics Management. In addition, he is also actively involved as an Associate Editor at Journal of Cleaner Production & Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management, and Area Editor at Operations Management Research. He is also acting as Editorial Board member at International Journal of Information Management and International Journal of Information Management Data Insight.
Prof. Singh believes in action research, therefore, he has done various projects and consultancies at domestic and international level to show the real application of the research which he carried out and published in various journals of repute. Some of the organizations where he showed application of research are UKIERI British Council Division UK; BASF SE Germany; Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India; Indian Oil Corporation Limited; Rail Vikas Nagar Limited; UP Sugar Mill Associations; National Buildings Construction Corporation India; Airport Authority of India Ltd., UGC India; Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences-India; Public Health Engineering Department, Govt. of M.P., National Highway Authority of India Limited, Govt. of India; Ivory Education Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, and SPARC, GoI.
Some of his research work acknowledged by the media: https://www.news18.com/news/education-career/iit-delhi-professor-frames-guidelines-to-sustainably-dispose-off-medical-waste-4714718.html and https://indiaeducationdiary.in/iit-delhi-faculty-comes-up-with-mathematical-model-to-implement-indias-vision-of-self-reliant-economy/
Prof. Singh also authored a text book on Production & Operations Management published by Vikash Publication, New Delhi, India and more than 5000 copies have been sold.
Orchid ID: orcid.org/0000-0002-3867-6845
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=4-NK6PAAAAAJ
Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57199578228
Web of Science ID: O-4087-2014
IRNIS Profile: https://iitd.irins.org/profile/85591