Prof. Shveta Singh
Ph.D., (Univ. of Allahabad)
Shveta Singh, is the PFS Chair Professor and the Area Chair of Finance at the Department of Management Studies (DMS), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi), India. She is also the coordinator of the National Centre on Corporate Governance, accredited by the National Foundation on Corporate Governance (NFCG). Her research focuses on interdisciplinary areas like corporate governance, corporate social responsibility (CSR) and entrepreneurial finance which have a significant social impact. She has contributed to various research and consulting assignments for organizations like the Chief Information Officers’ (CIO Foundation), the Chief Information Security Officers’ (CISO) Foundation, the Lok Sabha (Parliament), the National Foundation on Corporate Governance (NFCG), the Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D), National Buildings Construction Corporation (NBCC), the Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), the United Kingdom (UK)-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), ReNew Power Limited, the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, the Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs, the Indian Navy and the Indian Air Force. She is also a member of the ISO and BIS sectional committees on Sustainable Finance. Further, she is a member of the Investment Committee at IIT Delhi, the IRD Board as well as the Senate of IIT Delhi. She is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Advances in Management Research (JAMR) published by Emerald, UK. She teaches courses like Venture Teaming and Financing, Financial Management and Compliance for Startups, Entrepreneurial Finance, Corporate Governance & CSR, Professional Ethics, Managerial Accounting and Financial Management, Indian Financial System and Security Analysis and Portfolio Management.
Overall, she has two decades of professional experience, having spent three years in the corporate sector prior to joining academics. She has published more than 150 research papers in journals of national and international repute. She has co-authored a text-book titled “Security Analysis and Portfolio Management” published by Springer, USA. She has also co-authored four research monographs titled “Corporate Governance Mechanisms and Firm Performance – Lessons from India”, “Financial Management Practices: An Empirical Study of Indian Corporates” and “Equity Market in India: Returns, Risk and Price Multiples”, published by Springer, USA and “Cash Dividend and Shares Repurchase Announcements: Impact On Returns, Liquidity and Risk in The Indian Context” published by Hamilton, UK. She has been the recipient of the Lok Sabha Fellowship and the Fetzer Fellowship from the Academy of Management, USA, for her work on CSR, as well as the National Stock Exchange – Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research (NSE-IGIDR) Corporate Governance Research Initiative Grant. She has been honored by the “Leadership” award in research, which she accepted on behalf of IIT Delhi from the Institute of Business and Finance Research at the Global Conference on Business and Finance in USA. She has been honored twice with the “Literati” award for outstanding research by Emerald Publishing Inc. She has also received a mention for the “Most Downloaded Paper” by the Journal of Advances in Management Research, UK. Email: shvetasingh@dms.iitd.ac.in
Shveta’s journey at IIT Delhi can be mapped broadly via three aspects: knowledge creation (research), knowledge application (sponsored projects and consultancies) and knowledge dissemination (teaching).
Email: shvetasingh@dms.iitd.ac.in