Prof. P. K. Jain

Honorary Professor

(Ph.D., Delhi University)

P.K. Jain is Professor of Finance at Department of Management Studies, IIT Delhi. He holds an as well as Ph.D in finance from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He earlier served as the Head of Department of Management Studies and Co-ordinator of Dalmia Research Programme on Management in Asia. He was Modi Fou

Prof. P.K. Jain completed his (with first rank) in 1972 and Ph.D in 1979 from Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He started his academic career as a Lecturer at Shri Ram College of Commerce (University of Delhi) in 1972, before joining as Assistant Professor at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi in 1984 and subsequently promoted to the position of Professor in 1990.

At present, Dr. Jain is Emeritus Professor of Finance at Department of Management Studies, IIT

Delhi. He earlier served as the Head of Department of Management Studies and Coordinator of Dalmia Research Programme on Management in Asia. He was also Modi Foundation Chair Professor as well as Dalmia Chair Professor.

He has a teaching experience of more than 45 years in subjects related to Management Accounting, Financial Management, Financial Analysis, Cost Analysis and Cost Control. He had taught at the Foundation for Technical Institute, Basrah and University of Basrah, Iraq. He was visiting faculty at the University of Paris I School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok and Howe School of Technology Management, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey. He has been visiting faculty at International Centre for Promotion of Enterprises Ljubljana, Slovenia to teach Finance in its MBA (International) programme for more than a decade (w.e.f. 1997). He has been nominated as Honorary Visiting Professor by the Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana, Slovenia. He has been conferred best teacher award by IIT Delhi in January 2012. In July 2012, he has also been conferred 3rd Asia’s Best B-School Awards entitled ‘Best Professor in Financial Management’ (in Singapore) by World Education Congress and CMO Asia as well as ‘Best Teacher in Financial Management’ (at Mumbai) by Amar Ujjalla (In November, 2012). He has been conferred “Distinguished Alumni Award by Sri Ram College of Commerce (SRCC) as well as by Department of Commerce, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi.

He has authored/co-authored near a dozen Text Books (some of them have run more than two dozen reprints and seven editions; the two books have more than 65 reprints) and 15 Research Books / Monographs. The select list includes Financial Management, Management Accounting, Cost Accounting (All from McGraw Hill), International Financial Management (MacMillan), Financial Management Practices in select Private Corporate Enterprises — A Comparative Study of India, Thailand and Singapore, IFCI — A Study in Financial Management Practices: Economic Crisis in South East Asia, A Study in Financial Management Practices: An Empirical Study of Indian Corporates (Springer). He has guided 27 Ph.D. students; at present, work is in progress with three students on various important themes of finance. He has been ranked 21 in the list of top 100 authors of IITs, in a book titled “Indian Citation Index” prepared by CII, 2017.

He has contributed more than 200 Research Papers in Journals of national and international repute such as Chartered Accountant, Management Accountant, Pranjnan, Journal of Financial Management and Research, Indian Management, South Asian Journal of Management, Vikalpa, International Journal of Development Banking, Long Range Planning (U.K), Journal of Derivatives and Hedge Funds (U. K.) Public Enterprise (Yugoslavia), Journal of Development Finance (Philippines), Systems research and Information System (USA), Decision Support System (USA), Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialization (U.K) and Journal of Applied Finance (USA), Emerging Market Review (Netherlands), Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics (Hong Kong), Journal of Business Strategy (U.K), International Journal of Commerce and management (USA); a few research papers have been conferred best paper award.  He has research papers in more than five dozen conferences held in India and abroad; more than a dozen research papers have been published in the conference proceedings. He has been ranked among top ten researchers in the area of Accounting and Finance in India as per a research paper in Omega published by Elsevier. He is on the Board of academic institutions. He is reviewer of journals like, Vision, Abhigyan, Vikalp, Finance India, Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Journal of Advances in Management Research, Research Bulletin etc.

He has been invited by several institutions as visiting professor to deliver lectures. The select list includes Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Department of Financial Studies, University of Delhi,

Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, All India Management Association, National Productivity Council, National Institute of Educational Planning and Administration, Management Development Institute, Indian Oil Institute of Petroleum Management, National Institute of Financial Management, Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, National Thermal Power Corporation, IIM Lucknow, IIM Indore and Administrative Staff College of India, Hyderabad.

He has organized several Management Development Programme (MDPs)/Continuing Education Programmes (CEPs) both for public and private sector executives in the areas of Financial Management, Financial and Cost Analysis, Profit Planning and Cost Control, Investment Decisions, etc. He has also conducted a large number of in-house training programmes for private corporates as well as for public sector enterprises on themes such as Finance for Non-Finance, Project Management and Financial Decision Making.

He had been associated (April 2001-2014) with Online Executive Development Programmes on Finance for Non-Finance executives. These Programmes were conducted in e-learning mode in collaboration with Macmillan India Ltd. Since its launch, more than 500 senior executives from organizations such as, IBM, IOC, HCL Technologies, TCS, American Express, ITC Hotels, Philips, Carbon, Black, Indal, Larson and Tubro I Ad., Haldia Petro Chemicals, Oberoi Hotels, New India Assurance, NTPC, BHEL, Indian Oil Corporation, Engineers India, ASCI have participated.

He has been invited as an expert member to revise syllabus of Commerce by UPSC for conducting its preliminary and main Civil Service Examination. He was an expert member to interview candidates for the posts of Civil Services and of IFS (Government of India). He was appointed as a member of Academic Advisory Committee by Government of India to restructure National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad.

His contributions in the field of Finance have been acknowledged at national and international levels and several awards and recognitions have been conferred on him. He has been associated with various research projects and consultancy in the field of Finance.

Area of Interest: Financial Management, Financial Analysis, Cost Analysis and Control, Management and Cost Accounting, Corporate Restructuring and Business Valuation.