Prof. Arpan Kumar Kar


(Fellow, XLRI)


Prof. Arpan Kar is Professor and holds an Endowed Chair in Information Systems in Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India. He has a joint appointment in the Department of Management Studies and School of Artificial Intelligence. Administratively he chairs the Information Systems group, and advisor of Corporate Affairs and is member of multiple administrative committees. He also supports multiple ministries and universities in advisory boards, project assessment and faculty selection committees.

He works on the adoption, user experiences and impacts of emerging ICTs like artificial intelligence, social media, digital platforms, mobile apps, etc, often using machine learning methods. As of 2024, his work has been cited over 20,000 times with a H index of 65. He received the Research Excellence Award by Clarivate Analytics for highest WoS citations from 2015-2020. He received the BK Birla Distinguished Researcher Award for the count of ABDC A* publications over 5 years. He is the recipient of the Best Seller Award from Ivey / Harvard Cases in 2020. He has received over 20 other awards like 3 IFIP Best Papers, ACM ICEGOV Best Paper, Careers 360 Outstanding Researcher Award, Tata Consultancy Services Gold Medal, Project Management Institute Research Award, AIMS Best Researcher, IIT Delhi Teaching Excellence Award and many reviewing awards.


He teaches courses which are in the interface of data science, digital technologies, internet ecosystems, artificial intelligence and their impacts in firms and society. Some of the courses he teaches for Masters students are as follows

  • Predictive Analytics
  • Managing Enterprise AI/ML Systems
  • Digital Marketing (Digital Content, Search Engines, Social Media and Metaverse)
  • Economics of Information Systems
  • Digital Payments
  • Cyber Security and Risk Management



He works in the adoption, appropriation, user experience and impacts of emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Digital Platforms, and Internet Ecosystems. Most of his work involves mixed research methods. He often uses computational methods using machine learning for theory building. He has authored over 200 publications and edited 14 books, of which over 100 are ABDC A, ABS 3 and WoS Q1 level journals, and 16 are ABDC A* level publications.

Editorial Roles: He is a Senior Editor in Applied Operations and Analytics (The OR Society, Taylor & Francis). He is Associate Editor in Communications of the AIS (ABDC A), Journal of Computer Information Systems (ABDC A), Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management (ABDC A),etc. He is in the Editorial Board for JSIS, GIQ, JBR, JGIM, etc.

Past Roles: He was the Founding Editor in Chief of IJIM Data Insights (2020-2024), published by Elsevier. He was earlier Senior/Associate Editor in journals like Decision Support Systems, International Journal of Information Management, Journal of Public Affairs and Sage Open. He is/has been a Guest Editor for journals like Journal of the Association for Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Information Management, Information Systems Frontiers, etc.


Projects/Training Programs

He has undertaken over 50 research and training projects from organizations like BASF, PwC, Fidelity, EY, World Bank, Facebook, CIPPEC, Govt. of India (MEITY, DST, MoT, DRDO, MHRD, etc), which has generated revenue exceeding 200 Million INR.

He offers training programmes in the following areas

  • Data Science and Decision Science
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Cyber Security and Information Assurance
  • Digital Transformation using Emerging ICTs
  • Digital Marketing

Prof. Arpan Kumar Kar
Area: Information Systems
Phone No.: +91-11-2659-7320
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