Institutions (City) Country
University of Pris 1, Sorbonne Paris, France
Asian Development Bank (Manila) Philippines
Commonwealth University, Marlborough House (Pall Mall) London
L’Ecole Des Mines De Nantes (Nantes Cedex) France
Fachochchule Dusseldorf (FHD) (Dusseldorf) Germany
Ecole Polytechnique Federal De Lausanne Switzerland
German Universities of Applied Sciences (Esslingen) Germany
Kungliga Teknisha Hogskalan (Stockholm) Sweden
University of Waterloo Canada
The TU9 German Institute for Technology Germany
Emerald Group Publishing Ltd. UK
University of Michigan USA
Ecole Centrale Paris France
National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) Taiwan
Pedagogica University Mozambique
College of Engineering, University of
Dublin University Ireland
Pohang University of Science and
Technology (POSTECH)
Cork Institute of Technology (Cork) Ireland
Imperial College of Science, Technology
and Medicine
(London) UK
Al-Fateh University (Tripoli) Libya
University of British Columbia Canada
Paris Institute of Science and Technology France
Curtin University of Technology Australia
University of Alberta Canada
Beijing Institute of Technology China
Tajik Technical University Tajikistan
City Univ. of Hong Kong China
Ecole Nationale des ponts et Chaussess (Paris) France
W.J. Howe School of Technology Management,
Stevens Institute IF Technology (SIT)
Southern Methodist University (SMU-COX) USA